Recognizing the similarities and coincidences between his artistic preoccupation and some of Richter’s works, Korkut in the cycle of “Gravity” produced works that rely on the paradigmatic works of Richter’s oeuvre: the gravitational drawings, sculptures and spatial system image.
The randomness, the influence of natural forces, and the kind of insecurity Richter shows in writing about his gravitational drawings, has attracted Korkuta to analyze and interpret in his own way
experiments that Richter returns from one stage to another.
On the eighth edition of the SintArt project, initiated by the MSU in Zagreb in 2010, with the aim of establishing a dialogue on the production of the invited artist of the intellectual and artistic heritage of the artist and architect of Vjenceslav Richter, Korkut 2017 creates an opus of sculptures, video works and interactive installations.